Letter to Leo: 12 Months

When I was pregnant I kept a journal. I knew once Leo arrived though, that the frequency with which I wrote would change, but still I wanted to maintain some kind of written memory keeping.

I really liked Natalie from The Senses Five's idea of a monthly letter with little stories that related to each of the senses: sight, smell, sound, taste and touch. Natalie's Dear Oskar series is beautiful and (I thought) quite achievable for a new Mum. So I was inspired to imitate, and each month I have written a letter to Leo complete with anecdotes about his five senses. 

While I'm sure I haven't written my last letter to my son, I feel I have written my last in this style. 

12 Months

My little Leo, happy birthday! I can hardly believe you are one. It’s hard to put into words everything I feel as we reach this milestone as a family. This first year with you has been so many things yet it leaves me silent. I am in awe of you. I am in awe of God who saw it was good to bless us with you. What a glorious day your birthday is and always will be. The day we met you and you stole our hearts.

Oh Leo, you have our hearts forever.  

March 16, 2015

Sight- You love to be chased and we often make a game of it inside where there are more things to hide behind. You giggle and squeal as you chase me around and around and I love to be as silent as I can and creep up behind you. It can sometimes give you a fright but you always erupt into giggles.

Smell- We've started to wean you off the bottle and so far you've been quite good about it. You no longer have a bottle in the morning, so breakfast has been smelling like fresh bananas and warm Vegemite on toast. 

Sound- You love listening to Disney songs. I recently played a medley from various animations and by far your favourite was the Mouse Song from Cinderella. You were practically gleeful watching the mice and hearing their little high pitched voices singing away.

Taste- I will never tire of giving you Greek yoghurt. The way you curl your lips, close your eyes and crinkle your nose as the tartness hits your taste buds always make me laugh. You never refuse more though. Lately we’ve been mixing it with blueberries or figs and today for a special treat I drizzled in some honey. You loved it!

Touch- Lately when I've been giving you a cuddle before bed you stretch your little fingers out to touch my mouth. It kills me every time. I know I should be helping you to settle and be still and quiet, but I just can't help pretending to munch on those delectable little fingers. It makes you laugh and smile so wide you lose your dummy. How can I resist?


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